Ethnic Studies
The Division of Ethnic Studies
The Division of Ethnic Studies is the only bachelor’s degree and tenure-granting program in the intermountain region, giving us national prominence. Ethnic Studies was officially established on an interdisciplinary/interdepartmental basis in 1973, with separate programs for Black, Chicano/a and Native American Studies. An Asian Pacific American Studies program was added in 1989. Our program has continued to evolve over the decades to reflect student interests and the dedicated labor of community partners, staff and faculty. Whether you want to take a broad approach or focus on a specific community, we’ve got you covered! Our majors and five minor options allow you to expand your understanding of issues affecting underrepresented communities. Our majors can also be customized to reflect a specific emphasis.
Ethnic Studies Core Course Requirements
Offers a major (B.S. and B.A.), with options for four different areas of emphasis, and five minors.
Students pursuing an Ethnic Studies major can choose to refine their degree by specializing in one or more major emphases. Show your expertise to the world by pursuing an Ethnic Studies major with an emphasis in:
- American Indian Studies
- Asian American Studies
- Latinx Studies
- Migration & Diaspora Studies
Additionally, Ethnic Studies offers five minors:
- Ethnic Studies (general)
- African American Studies
- American Indian Studies
- Asian Pacific American Studies
- Chicana/o & Latina/o Studies
Whether you want to take a broad approach or focus on a specific community, we’ve got you covered! Our courses of study allow you to expand your understanding of issues affecting underserved communities.
Our Courses Include:
COURSE #CLASS TITLECREDIT HOURSETHNC 2500Introduction to Ethnic Studies3 Credit HoursETHNC 2510Diversity Scholars: Land and Labor3 Credit Hours
COURSE #CLASS TITLECREDIT HOURSETHNC 2550African American Experiences3 Credit HoursETHNC 2560Chicana/o & Latino/a Experiences3 Credit HoursETHNC 2570American Indian Experiences3 Credit HoursETHNC 2580Asian American Experiences3 Credit HoursETHNC 2590Pacific Islander American Experiences3 Credit Hours
COURSE #CLASS TITLECREDIT HOURSETHNC 5900Interdisciplinary Research in Ethnic Studies (complete the following, only offered in fall)3 Credit Hours
COURSE #CLASS TITLECREDIT HOURSETHNC 5910Capstone: Advanced Explorations in Ethnic Studies3 Credit Hours

Advocacy & Engagement
Put your classroom learning to work in the community through coursework, student groups and internships.
Our division strengths are that we prepare students in critical thinking and research and help them apply their skills for careers in a variety of fields including government, higher education, law, medicine, nursing, non-profits, and much more.

Only degree and tenure-granting program in the Intermountain West.
In 1973 The University of Utah established a program in Ethnic Studies.
$4.76 million: In research grants for Ethnic Studies faculty over past five years.
Transform Programs
The strength of our divisions and programs comes from our interdisciplinarity approach to historical, cultural, political and lived realities in today’s world.
Our Ethnic Studies program will expand your understanding of issues affecting underrepresented communities.
Disability Studies is an interdisciplinary field that explores social, political, cultural, and economic factors that shape disability.
Gender Studies offers a space for the study of a wide range of feminist thought, practices, theory and community-engaged learning.
The Pacific Islands Studies program provides courses that are designed from an Indigenous Pacific islander perspective.
Whether you want to take a broad approach or focus on a specific group or community, we’ve got you covered! Our majors, minors and certificate programs allow you to expand your understanding of issues affecting underserved communities.