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A powerful transformation
July 22, 2019
When Disability Studies moved into Transform, there were 21 declared disability studies minors at the…
Transform Professor featured on Netflix
July 18, 2019
"Explained," a Netflix-and-Vox-produced series, features Professor Lisa Diamond in an episode entitled "The Female Orgasm".
New associate vice president for faculty
July 18, 2019
U of U Senior VP Dan Reed announced that Professor Sarah Projansky has accepted an…
Building an Educational Bridge
July 17, 2019
A new $600,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will allow major foundation acceleration…
Building Platforms & Surpassing Expectations
July 10, 2019
It’s been a momentous and historic year for the School for Cultural and Social Transformation,…
Convocation 2019
May 9, 2019
Congratulations, Class of 2019! Check out photos and footage from our latest convocation!
Convocation 2019 Photos
May 7, 2019
Check out the photos of our second Transform Convocation! Congratulations, Class of 2019!
U of U Commencement 2019
May 4, 2019
The School for Cultural and Social Transformation brought their "A-game" to this year's U of…
2019 Awardees
April 23, 2019
Throughout the year, our brilliant Transform family was recognized and received various University of Utah…
50 Years of Ethnic Studies
March 21, 2019
Come celebrate the legacy of Ethnic Studies with local community leaders of the past, present,…