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The Racist History of U.S. Trafficking Laws
June 19, 2020
Annie Isabel Fukushima was interviewed on Texas Public Radio's Fronteras and shared her examination on…
Heartbreak and Reckoning
June 4, 2020
I know you join us when we say: ENOUGH. It has always been horrendously, heartbreakingly…
2020 Awardees
April 30, 2020
Throughout the year, our Transform team claimed various awards both on campus and on a…
Virtual Transform Convocation 2020
April 20, 2020
Class of 2020, your resilience and determination is inspiring to us all! While we won't…
We miss you!
April 17, 2020
Transform students: we miss you dearly! We miss you. Here's a message from our very…
William Sanders Scarborough Prize
January 8, 2020
The 18th annual William Sanders Scarborough Prize to Darius Bost for his book "Evidence of…
Border and Migration
December 19, 2019
Dr. Alborz Ghandehari’s Fall 2019 students in “Borders and Migration” course exchanged stories of daily…
Angela L. Robinson
October 8, 2019
Get to know our inaugural Pasifika Post-Doctoral Fellow Angela L. Robinson! During her two-year appointment,…
Making Out
October 8, 2019
Dean Kathryn Bond Stockton has published a new book! 'Making Out' is a memoir reflecting…
Archiving Latino/a/x Life in the U.S.
August 15, 2019
Associate Professor Lourdes Alberto recovered, digitized, and built an indigenous Oaxacan archive based on the…