The School for Cultural and Social Transformation will have limited operating hours. We are excited to have you lounge and work here, safely. Masks and social distancing are strongly, warmly, definitively encouraged in our space. Welcome back!
Please follow your professors’ directions on how to best reach them for issues related to coursework.
Monday-Thursday: 9am-4:30pm
Friday: Closed
If you are meeting with a faculty member during a time outside these hours, please coordinate directly with that person.
For ADVISING questions, please contact jen.wozab@utah.edu or schedule a virtual advising appointment at https://transform.utah.edu/advising/
For GENDER STUDIES questions, concerns, or business contact: pat.ross@utah.edu; genderstudies@utah.edu or kim.hackford-peer@utah.edu
For ETHNIC STUDIES questions, concerns, or business contact: maria.morales@utah.edu; edmund.fong@utah.edu or elizabeth.archuleta@utah.edu
For DISABILITY STUDIES questions, please contact ang.smith@utah.edu
For PACIFIC ISLANDS STUDIES questions, please contact matt.basso@utah.edu.
<!–The University of Utah will be postponing all commencement ceremonies scheduled for the end of the Spring 2020 semester. This includes all graduation events, college convocations, and campus-wide commencement. This has been a unique and trying semester for all of us, and this decision was made with the health and well-being of all members of our campus community and their loved ones in mind.
–> <!–We are working to determine when and how rescheduled events will take place and will provide more information as soon as possible. Visit here for the full announcement and updates.
–> <!–If you are graduating and have applied for graduation, you will receive separate emails from our Transform advisor with all the event details. If you have not applied for graduation, whether or not there is a ceremony, you still need to apply for graduation to receive your diploma. The deadline for Spring 2020 graduation has passed but you can still apply for Summer 2020. Deadline is May 20th. More info here: https://registrar.utah.edu/graduation/