Our virtual yearbook celebrates the students who've received degrees and/or certificates from Transform and allows them to share their experiences while pursuing an education from our school. Best of luck to all of you and please stay connected with us!
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"The College of Transform has truly offered me a transformational learning experience. Thank you to the faculty and staff that has created such a welcoming space and experience within the College of Transform."

"As an undocumented Latina woman, I understand the adversities and challenges marginalized communities have to navigate. When I decided to become an Ethnic Studies major it was to better understand the challenges other marginalized communities face. I want to leave this world better for my children and although we can't change the world by ourselves, small changes do indeed change the world. When you are feeling like you want to give up or don't see progress quickly remember that, in the words of Karol G, "manana sera bonito." (tomorrow will be beautiful) and in the words of Carla Morrison, "piensa en el sol, porque vuelve a amanecer siempre." (think about the sun because it always comes back the next morning."

"My experience at the University of Utah, and more specifically Transform, has changed my life and career trajectory. I came into college with a lot of anger at oppressive systems, and my professors and classes within Transform, helped guide and show me how to put my anger and frustration to good use by working with communities to tear down structural barriers. The College of Transform has really provided me with a direction, and the Professors who have supported my dreams have been instrumental in helping me graduating this Spring. I plan to attend law school, and hopefully, become an international human rights lawyer."

Wisdom I'd like to impart as I graduate: "Take the classes you're curious about! I will be forever grateful that I took a Gender Studies class just because it seemed interesting. I learned so much and I wish I could have taken all the classes in Transform. I am also grateful for just trying out different things and saying yes to opportunities that scared me. A lot of my skills improved, I got to meet more people and make more friends, and realized that I could accomplish more than I thought I could."

"When I was little, I loved dressing up and going on adventures. I always imagined I was on some perilous journey that only the fiercest knight could complete. Getting an education isn't easy. It's been 5 years, 2 universities, 15 jobs, 6 moves, 12 scholarships, 3 loans, and 2 majors. I thought I couldn't do it, but I did. I’m grateful to the little me who always imagined herself to be braver and stronger than anything else; I finally feel like she was right."

"The College of Transform is such a special haven within the University, I hope and expect the wisdom from faculty and students within Transform will penetrate beyond our college, and beyond our campus."

"I’ve loved my time at the U and Transform. Transform helped me understand how my studies relate to social issues and what I can do to be a change maker. Some of my biggest supporters, mentors, and advocates are from Transform! I feel so lucky to have learned from such genuinely thoughtful faculty!"

Wisdom I'd like to impart as I graduate: "Get involved as much as you can! I've held a lot of different student positions and have gotten involved among many different areas on campus, which has introduced me to some of my favorite people. Furthermore, becoming a Student Ambassador for Transform helped me feel like I had a community on campus!"

"I loved inhabiting spaces where individuals were working towards dismantling and disrupting systems of oppression."

Wisdom I'd like to impart as I graduate: "Learn what makes you more aware of your identity and the impact it can create, Aho!

"Planning on going onto a graduate program in English education. Also working on getting a talent agent in LA.
Welcome to the best and most welcoming major at the U! Enjoy your time here and make as many connections as you can <3."

"After graduation, I plan on using my Gender Studies degree to “transform” the future of sustainable, gender neutral garments that empower and celebrate individuality and self expression.
Advice that I have for incoming students is to be patient with yourself as you grow, and remain curious about everything that brings you rage and discontent within the system. Compost the patriarchy!
One of my most memorable experiences in Transform was taking Kilo Zamora’s class “Gender On The Hill”. In this class, we found and explored the catalyst for social change. I met some of my life long comrades and we fought for radical change together on Capitol Hill each week during the legislative session. We were able to hold space with fellow local activists, and facilitate dialogues with legislators to question and discuss the oppressive laws that are being passed each session in the state of Utah."