

Angela L. Robinson

Get to know our inaugural Pasifika Post-Doctoral Fellow Angela L. Robinson! During her two-year appointment, she will work on developing her scholarship and participate in community dialogs, student mentorship and overall shaping for the growth of the PI Studies Initiative.

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Making Out


Dean Kathryn Bond Stockton has published a new book! ‘Making Out’ is a memoir reflecting on her non-binary childhood through a central theme: kissing. In this Q&A, we ask our dean about this subject and what she hopes her readers take away from her new work.

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2019 Awardees


Throughout the year, our brilliant Transform family was recognized and received various University of Utah awards and special recognitions. We couldn’t be more proud!

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New Reads from Transform


Our wonderfully talented faculty in the School for Cultural and Social Transformation had a successful year of publications in press.

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